Breath comes around the mountain
Fresh from the ocean and refusal
Finding its way inside me and lasting with the sunlight
a migration a gesture of becoming
Black breath a discontinuous embrace
That lives on the tips of fingers and palm
Breath of a woman I’ve never met
Breath of a plantation I’ve never seen
This ancestor
Touching her fingers to her lips to warm her hands
Cupping her anguish with her palm to save her children
Deep breath sound to repair and slaughter
Give me a day to be the trees
To give you air and go limp folding into your love
A day to be bark, leaf, stipul, vine
To receive you all, from the rope and fire
To let you into my curves and long life
Your breath not lost, I’d save it and give more.
I would gather you like love and memory
Dear strange fruit
To be the trees for you is my prayer
Sipping the gasp that fallows the end of a whispers
A shallow breath
Pushed out through the water
Empty it out. All of the breath
Distillation is what is needed now
for new heav of refusal
A new breath rushing in fillingl the belly new encounters of freedom
Breathe across ocean space
Become black again and again in the glory moments of sound
It's an everlasting black breath
Taking breath in
Taking our breath
Our breath
From the noose
From the chock of vipid arms
From sutt
The dungeon
Capitalism is the long asphyxiation
Breathtaking (Work in Progress)
1. 7/25/2021